Age Guidelines: The board will vote on the ages appropriate for each show. A general guideline will be a person auditioning for an LYT production must be five years old by August 31st and in Kindergarten, and no older than 18 by August 31st or High School graduation, whichever comes first. Parents of children K-2nd grade: A parent or adult chaperone 18 or older must be present at all rehearsals.
Time Commitment: Being in an LYT production is a serious time commitment. Rehearsals are typically five days a week (Monday – Friday) from 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. for about eight weeks at our rehearsal space at 318 N. Main Street in Lexington. During the final week of rehearsals (“tech week”), all rehearsals are required. Tech week starts the Saturday before the weekend of the show and includes Sunday afternoon. Be prepared to stay late if needed.
Show Fees: The out-of-pocket cost to participate in an LYT production is typically less than $150 per child*, which includes a show t-shirt, costuming fee (you may be asked to provide additional tights/shoes), script, tech week food, facilities fee, cast party. Prices are per cast member, not per family*
Parent Commitment: It is required that each cast participant has a parent/guardian or family member volunteer throughout the show preparation and during tech week. For those unable to commit to the required volunteer sessions, we will accept a $50 donation per child involved in the show in lieu of volunteer hours. View and complete the parent volunteer commitment by the first rehearsal.
Additional Information: Between 50-70 children K 12 participate in LYT productions. Unlike some youth theatre companies, we do our best not to cut children during the audition process. Unfortunately, sometimes we must make cuts simply due to capacity issues. We try to find parts for everyone who wants to participate, as long as children and parents agree to the cast member's responsibilities.
Cast Member and Crew Responsibilities & Expectations: Being a part of an LYT production is a big responsibility and commitment. You are a member of a team and in order for the team to function well, all team members need to be present and working together. We want to put on a production that you, your family and friends will be proud of and that takes a whole lot of dedication and work!
Do not come to practice if you have any symptoms of sickness or if someone in your household is positive for COVID.
Must attend rehearsals when you are scheduled. Absences are expected to be kept to a minimum. Please text Nita Jarrett if you will be absent. 336-250-3339
You are expected to indicate all conflicts on the conflict sheet included in the audition materials. Please notify Nita as soon as an unforeseen conflict becomes known. • Be ON Time for drop off and pick up!
Tech Week Required—no excuses!! All cast members are expected to be present for the last two weeks before the production (that includes tech week). Tech week, the week leading up to the production will involve long hours and everyone (crew included) needs to participate. Tech week starts the Saturday before the performance and runs every day, including Sunday through the last performance.
ONLY Cast members, crew, and parent volunteers will be allowed at rehearsals. We do not have the parent volunteer staff to supervise children that are not involved in the production.
Turn in Silent Auction items. Each cast member is required to turn in a Silent Auction item. Please ask a local business for a donation to our Silent Auction. We have tax forms available if you need them.
No theft: If a cast or crewmember is found to be “helping themselves” to other people’s property, they will be dropped from the production—no excuses.
Respect and obey those in authority: All cast and crew are expected to follow instructions from LYT board members, parent volunteers, and to respect those in authority. This will include, but not be limited to, not talking, not eating, and putting away cell phones, other electronic devices, games and distractions when asked.
Zero tolerance for disrespectful and inappropriate behavior: Cast members and crew alike, are expected to behave like “Ladies and Gentlemen” at all LYT rehearsals and functions.
We have all ages and backgrounds participating in LYT. Cast and crew should keep their hands to themselves. No Public Displays of Affection.
Respect rehearsal and performance spaces. There will be no tolerance for destructive or disruptive behaviors.
Only water will be allowed in the rehearsal space.